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"Inclusion" Program

Sociocultural Program

Inspired by a globally recognized project called El Sistema, one of our founders, Ms. Barbara Maria Monheim prompted us to design and implement a unique creative project for social and psychological rehabilitation of children having experienced trauma. The concept behind the performance is to get orphans and children deprived of parental care working with their talented peers under the direction of distinguished international and national artists. Involvement in art is the perfect way for children to meet their own body (new) as well as to discover their own artistic talents.

Our program promotes the reintegration of children into society by using various artistic means (music, dance, singing, theater, and design) combined with athletics and study of social issues. It aims to involve children from different backgrounds and with different interests and talents.

Our "Inclusion" program is implemented in cycles, each lasting nine months and ending with a special artistic performance. Each such cycle involves about 70 - 100 children and adolescents under the guidance of known national and international artists and with the support of the national special educators and psychologists. 
