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Pedagogical concept

We would like to present to you the pedagogical concept of the "Our Kids" Centre and highlight the main provisions, principles and beliefs inherent in the structure and day-to-day operations of the Centre. Our pedagogical concept was developed by the Centre with the participation of leading Ukrainian and European experts in the field of social work and child-rearing.

The Centre aims to provide a variety of services that directly or indirectly enhance the well-being of orphans and children who have been deprived of parental care, children in difficult circumstances and those from challenging family situations. These services are aimed at adaptation, rehabilitation and guidance while furthering the general development of the children, and their families if necessary. It helps that children at the Centre are housed in conditions resembling those of a real family. There are no more than six children living with their "social parents" (husband and wife) in modern five-room apartments in which excellent conditions for normal life are created. These families receive professional support from teachers, psychologists, social workers, lawyers and various coaches.

During the child's stay at the Centre we make every effort to reintegrate the child back to the biological family or integrate it in the foster one. If the child is not returned to his or her home and the family does not give it up for adoption, then, depending on age and his/her individual situation, we support the child in acquiring various independent living skills by offering accommodation in a “social family” or a “assisted living facilities”.

Pedagogical concept 1 A child facing vulnerabilities SOCIAL SERVICES 3 Child protection social work includes 2 Foster parents & Caregivers Social workers Psychologists Speech therapists Tutors Sports coaches Volunteers OFFERS THE ASSISTANCE OF The Centre for Children in need “Our Kids” Family Group 4 5.1 Return to family of origin 5.2 Kinship care 5.3 Adoptive family 5.4 Assisted living facility 5.5 Adult life Orphan child Child deprived of parental care Child facing a difficult life situatuion Social services for Family, Children, and Youth: offers a range of social, developmental, psychological, and legal services Children Affairs Service: Provides social support to families facing vulnerabilies Protects the legitimate rights and interests of children Protects children from ill-treatment and abuse Social guidance Health care services Psychological support Education OFFERS Adaption Rehabilitation Positive behaviour support Child development Until the age of 23 for students of vocational schools and higher education institutions