Art and creativity play an important part in the lives of our children. Together with well-known animator Olena Kasavina and her students, our children produced a brilliant animated film called ‘Our Home’. Who in their childhood never dreamed of becoming an artist, singer, or dancer? This time, the children had an opportunity to learn about being an animator, making videos, and telling stories such as about their home and life at the Centre through a video. The work was entertaining and took some time. Finally, the film is finished. When watching it, all children greatly enjoy their work. However, this film does not mark the end of our efforts. We plan and hope to continue this entertaining, valuable, and enjoyable project. Project: Animated Film ‘Our Home’ Main purpose of the project Get little foster children living in the Centre for Child Protection Our Kids involved in the production of the animated short film called ‘Our Home’. The Centre’s children will have an opportunity to not only take part in the film production but also star in it themselves. Under the guidance of well-known animator Olena Kasavina, the children will try their hand as animators and main characters for the first time and later be able to enjoy the film that they have produced and show it to caregivers and staff members of the Centre. The project will have both educational and therapeutic effect. Engaging in arts always helps children relax, brings positive emotions, and boosts self-esteem. Project Pre-Requisites The participating children provided almost everything needed to make an animated film themselves including modeling clay, yarn, colored paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints. The film will be shot using a camera on a tripod. The work itself will be taking place in the Centre’s playroom where there will be enough space for working on the film. The film set was made by the children themselves. Expected results For the first time in their lives, the children will be involved in the production of an animated film in which they will also be starring. A long, meticulous work towards a common goal to create a masterpiece will help build team spirit in children. The work will also have a therapeutic effect as nothing can heal the soul like art. Upon completion of their work, the children together with the director will be able to show the film to caregivers, staff members, and visitors of the Our Kids Centre. Perhaps someday the children’s birth parents, friends, and relatives will also see the film. Our partners Olena Kasavina, animated film director / animator The Our Kids Centre The Kyiv National Karpenko-Kary University
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