1 2 3 4 5 Our projects back "Inclusion" Program Inspired by a globally recognized project called El Sistema, one of our founders, Ms. Barbara Maria Monheim prompted us to design and implement a unique creative project for social and psychological rehabilitation of children having experienced trauma. Cycle I "Venice. City of Hope 2012-2013" From October 2012 to October 2013 we implemented a pilot cycle of our project under the auspices of the German director, Mr. Volker Schloendorff a former "Oscar" winner. Cycle II "The Way to the Sun 2014-2015" The project’s second cycle ran from September 2014 till October 2015. Under this cycle, we expanded our efforts into four areas, specifically contemporary dance, choral singing, performing arts, and music. Sport Creating an environment conducive to comprehensive physical, creative and sporting development of the children and their caregivers living at the Centre for Children in need "Our Kids". The main idea is to encourage and motivate children to take up sport, look after their own health, and engage in physical activities over bad habits. Mobile Youth Work This is an international project aimed at in-depth analysis of the basic needs of children, youths and families facing vulnerabilities. The Dnipro District of Kyiv was chosen to host the pilot project with a view to developing a Ukraine-specific social work model to be used at district, city, regional, and national levels. Children's film production workshop Children's film production workshop is an educational project, during which with help of film industry professionals children are introduced to a real process of filmmaking and the main film professions. The most important is that kids create their own movies: write the script, choose the place of filming, props, and finally shoot and assemble a film. Film Production Workshop with Oksana Kazmina During the workshop, the kids had an opportunity to learn about the practical aspects of motion picture production. Under the guidance of their supervisor and other film production professionals including screenwriters, cameramen, and art directors involved in the workshop. Animated Film by Olena Kasavina Art and creativity play an important part in the lives of our children. Together with well-known animator Olena Kasavina and her students, our children produced a brilliant animated film called ‘Our Home.’ Who in their childhood never dreamed of becoming an artist, singer, or dancer? Computer Literacy The aim of this project is to teach children computer literacy skills in the most convenientmanner possible. To achieve that, a state-of-the-art computer classroom will operate on the Centre’s premises fully equipped with everything needed for learning including desks, chairs, laptops, a video projector, and other equipment.