''Our kids'' achievements in April
We are happy to inform you about our developments in terms of support of children and their families in April.
In December Oleksandra (14) and Anastasiya (17) came to us from the city Shastya, Luhands region, located in the Eastern combat zone. During the past months they had been living in our social families Basarab and Maiboroda, attended a public school, participated in our Inclusion project and joined various sports activities. In the meantime, our team had been working to help them return to their families of origin, who found themselves struck by crisis in autumn 2014. This month Olexandra and Anastasya were both able to return to their families, a circumstance of which we all are extremely happy.
On April 8, we welcomed Melaniya (7) from our Kyiv Dnipro District at “Our Kids” as her mother for medical reasons was declared unable to take care of her. Melaniya now lives with our social family Avramenko, returned to school, loves attending dance classes in course of our Inclusion project. With every day she feels herself more comfortable, allowing us to work with her on the traumata experienced. We are extremely grateful to see her enchanting smile all the more often.
As of April 23 Rodion (17), who also used to live in Shastya, started living in our social family Maiboroda. With his city being under regular artillery fire during the past eight months, Rodion eventually found himself in an extremely difficult life situation. With the support of Mykola Kuleba, Commissioner of the Ukrainian President for Children’s Rights, Rodion is now well-off, safe and being provided care and help at the Centre “Our Kids”.